Iseng saat kubuka YM sambil mendengarkan lagu Banjar “TATANGIS” ada message ofline dari ieyamaniez (10/17/2008 11:35:28 AM)
: vandert_vian (10/17/2008 1:10:06 AM): Kurangi mengkonsumsi TEH Jangan membiasakan memakan roti yg telah dipanggang. Jaga jarakmu dari telepon genggam DALAM KONDISI DI CHARGE Minum banyak AIR pagi hari, kurangi minum pada malam hari Jangan meminum kopi DUA KALI satu hari Kurangi makanan BERMINYAK Waktu tidur terbaik dari 10pm sampai 6am Jangan makan BESAR setelah 5pm Jangan minum alkohol lebih dari satu gelas satu hari Jangan meminum pil dgn air DINGIN Jangan langsung berbaring setelah minum obat Ketika baterai LOW , jgn menjawab telpon, radiasi yg dihasilkan bisa 1000x Jangan Menjawab telpon dgn TELINGA KANAN karena akan merusak otakmu secara langsung Jangan mempergunakan headphone dlm jangka waktu yang LAMA Forward msg ini ke teman2 kamu, jika kamu peduli pada mereka.
maka dengan segera saja aku merasa peduli ama teman-teman blogger, nah jika teman-teman blogger pernah mengalami hal yang sama, semoga bisa mengurangi kebiasaan seperti yang telah di sampaikan dalam message tersebut, demikian sekilas info. Hehehe kaya pembaca berita di TV aja gayanya..
terimakasihku pada ieyamaniez…
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Umpat basinggah di blog mancaracat...
Kada sia-sia blogwalking hari ini akhrnya manamui blog bermanfaat nang kayak ini
Salam Kenal dari ulun sasama bubuhan pahuluan :D
mah,ngaliham tuh maampihi kebiasaan diatas.bujurlah kisahnya?
How can i remove windows xp from my laptop and reinstall windows Me -the laptops native software?
I suffer with recently bought a familiar laptop that is old. The living soul I had bought it from had installed windows xp on it, regular though it originally came with windows Me. I after to expunge the windows xp because it runs slows on the laptop because it takes up more thought than the windows Me would. Also I paucity to massacre windows xp because it is an wrongful copy. So when I tried to ass updates on it, windows would not install updates because the windows xp is not genuine. [URL=]advantage of a convection oven[/URL]
Answers :
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Non-malignant prostatic hyperplasia, commonly known as BPH, is an enlargement of the prostate area. It is more profuse in older men. As men are comely more cultivated connected with healthfulness issues, they turn to medical treatment as a replacement for BPH. Dutas, a generic appearance of Avodart([URL=]canadian pharmacy avodart[/URL] [URL=]avodart and increased urination[/URL] [URL=]herbal substitute for avodart[/URL] [URL=]avodart ingredients[/URL] [URL=]avodart and hair loss[/URL] ), has been proven as an moving treatment of BPH. BPH and its symptoms that adversely affect the grade of lifestyle can be treated successfully nearby Dutas. The primary hint of BPH is the frequency of need to urinate. This occurs usually at evening but then progresses to the miss to urine often in every part of the day. BPH sufferers afterwards report a reduction in tenaciousness in urine stream. Bother accompanies this reduction. A medical doctor should direct testing to discover if BPH is the grounds of the symptoms. The effectiveness of Dutas is set up in the chemical coalesce Dutasteride. This efficacious ingredient is an alpha-reductase 5 inhibitor which impedes the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is considered a effective brand of testosterone. BPH symptoms vanish once the conversion is interrupted. Dutas has been found to be junk in BPH towards tons sufferers. Prescriptions finasteride and finasteride has been shown to at best curb a person isoform of alpha redictase 5. It has been established that Dutasteride has been proven to inhibit two isoforms. Dutas clearly appears to victual the pre-eminent treatment close by after BPH. Dutas impel be infatuated as directed with some precautions. Erectile dysfunction and decreased carnal libido are the most commonly reported side effects during routine of Dutas. Gynecomastia or enlargement of man's boob conglomeration is another accomplishable side effect. Additionally, women who are pregnant or women inferior to appropriate for pregnant should not be exposed to Dutas; developing man's fetuses can be adversely afflicted on these inhibitors. Dutas can be occupied through the incrustation so special suffering should be exercised for charged women or women unsatisfying to be proper pregnant. Another side impression of Dutas is a favourable one. Some men bear reported hair replenishment while taking Dutas. BPH can be treated by discussing medications and possible side effects with a medical professional. Dutas can give impressive treatment of BPH. A worry-free, quick spark of life is justly advantage the effort.
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